This post is about the Dragon Rahu-Ketu; its symbolism in Vedic Astrology and its transits/eclipses.
Inspired by a joint work with Allegra Nember.
***Wish to inspire you***

On the 30th of October 2023, end of last year, Rahu, the north node of the Moon, also known as the Dragon’s head, moved from Aries into Pisces and started a new cycle around the Zodiac. This major transit was preceded by annular Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
In particular, for approximately the following 1.5 years, all the solar and lunar eclipses are going to take place on the axis of Pisces (where Rahu is located) and Virgo (where Ketu is located).

Astronomically speaking, Rahu is a purely mathematical point representing the northern intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the ecliptic of the Earth. Its counterpart, the southern node, is called Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are always opposite in the Zodiac, moving backward (i.e. retrograde). Together they are important for explaining the phenomena of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. If Rahu, Ketu, the Moon, and the Sun are aligned (or nearly aligned) Eclipses can happen, because then either the Moon can move into the shadow of the Earth (Lunar Eclipse) or the shadow of the Moon can meet the Earth (Solar Eclipse).
In ancient Puranic texts, the story is told about the time before creation, where deep insight can be found through the meaning of these “shadowy planets” Rahu and Ketu. We enjoy stories where a profound understanding of the law of nature is sung poetically. We invite you to learn to connect through this story to the principles of consciousness, which go beyond the individual drama of life.
How the Dragon lost his head

After a long, terrible war the demons (Asuras) and gods (Devas) were churning the galactic oceans to receive Amrit, the divine nectar of immortality. Many things came out of the ocean, not only Amrit but also poison. Lord Vishnu, the sustainer of the universe, took the form of a beautiful dancer to deceive the Asuras while serving Amrit to the Devas. The Dragon Svarbhanu, a particularly clever Asura, recognized the trick, sneaked in between the Sun and the Moon, and he managed to take a sip. Upon noticing Svarbhanu drinking the nectar, Vishnu quickly beheaded him. As he had already taken a sip and therefore was immortal, he split in two; the Dragon’s head and the Dragon’s tail, and Vishnu had to find a place for them in the sky. Ever since they are known as the Dragon’s head, Rahu, and the Dragon’s tail, Ketu; the two shadowy planets in Vedic astrology, chase the Sun and the Moon and occasionally swallow them (Eclipse). Luckily, the Sun and Moon will reappear in the sky since the head Rahu doesn’t have a body for digestion and the body doesn’t have a mouth to swallow.
About the meaning of Rahu and Ketu - symbolic language decoding
When we talk about the influences of the shadowy planets, it is important to keep in mind that they are not necessarily negative. It merely depends on us: how we work with these energies, and what we make out of the situation. So don’t worry about it! We are always facing ups and downs in life, and there is always something positive and something negative about everything. They are here to teach us detachment and bring us closer to liberation.
Sure, it is absolutely possible that you work it out intuitively, or with any other method, without ever learning about astrology.

As the head of the Dragon, the unpredictable Rahu represents our attachments and unfulfilled desires from past lives, and therefore in general what we are most attracted to and where we are heading. Its energy is expansive and often goes out of proportion. It represents illusionary desires, addictions, constant dissatisfaction or unfulfillable desires, hallucinations, confusion, and mental instability, or craziness. It is also associated with foreign lands and travel, psychedelics, innovation, adventure, risk, and can give us great imagination and visions, creativity, an expansive life, and magnify all our experiences. Its highest frequency can be accessed by detaching from egoistic desires and focusing the energy toward greater altruistic goals.
The transit of Rahu brings Vata energy, illusions, and misleading feelings, advice, or experiences. This manifests in the area of life that Rahu associates with according to your birth chart and its current position in the sky, and it will be experienced more intensely if Rahu also transits important houses and/or planets in our birth chart.

Ketu as the body of the Dragon who lost his head has a contractive or perceptive nature, indicating loss, renunciation, isolation, and even termination. On a higher level, he gives inner powers of knowing, intuition, and insight: seeing without eyes, hearing without ears, and breathing without breath. Ketu also represents hidden powers and accomplished past life skills. Its high frequency and wisdom can be accessed by resolving our karmic challenges. I.e., by finding the right way of living, the right way of action and reaction, and hence our unique dharmic or spiritual path to free our Selfs from worldly bonds.
Ketu transit can bring limitations to our expression, narrow vision, fiery inner limitations, and potential incidents, while at its high frequency, it brings deep ancestral connection, healing, and psychic abilities. This manifests in the area of life that Ketu associates with according to your birth chart and its current position in the sky, and it will be experienced more intensely if Ketu also transits important houses and/or planets in our birth chart.
Hence the Rahu Ketu axis symbolizes the snake of time, showing us how to overcome patterns from our past and challenges of our future. In a way, they represent our Karmic lessons in this lifetime, where Rahu indicates what we are heading towards and desire to accomplish, while Ketu represents where we are coming from and the baggage, as well as achievements from the past. Yet, let us remind ourselves that Karma is just a word for an abstract concept to describe a process which is beyond our dualistic, rational mind and language. It is meant to help us grow through the challenges we face in life, by recognizing (not understanding) how the universe functions, and thus taking responsibility for our actions.
Master the Dragon, it’s an act of radical freedom by taking responsibility

Crucial to harnessing the energies of Rahu and Ketu are awareness, detachment, and transcendence of the Ego, as these energies work on an internal and subconscious level. When recognized as such they can serve as catalysts for our spiritual growth, potentially leading to higher insight, wisdom, and eventually liberation. This axis also indicates the flow of Kundalini energy, since it is the axis along which the root (Earth) and the third eye (the union of Moon and Sun at New Moon, Pingala and Ida, yin and yang) align. Hence, one of the most powerful techniques to harness the Rahu and Ketu is a regular practice of meditation, contemplation, and reflection. Because of its association with the Kundalini energy also somatic movements are keys to catching and transforming the illusions of this axis.
This powerful energy can also be destructive and potentially have a negative effect when handled without care (i.e., awareness, detachment, a pure and egoless attitude) since otherwise illusions and egoistic desires may obscure the truth. If harnessed, it has the potential to lead to great insight, the awakening of the Kundalini Energy, and transcendence of the Ego. On a higher level, both Rahu and Ketu can lead to great spiritual awakening and liberation.
Being aware of Rahu - Ketu transits can support us to elegantly navigate through intense energies and times, and thereby we can use them as gateways for our liberation and celebration.